

OBU的家庭科学学位 你们将通过满足实际需要来服务家庭,巩固家庭 通过 教育和治疗,并通过倡导他们的需求来支持家庭. 这些品质是OBU家庭科学项目的核心. 我们的专业教师团队致力于提供高质量的教学, 以基督为中心的教育,装备你的知识, 技能, 以及在你的生活和你所选择的领域取得成功所必需的价值观. 

你 will be equipped 通过 a breadth of upper-division courses specially designed to prepare you for a variety of fulfilling careers in the 家庭科学s. 我们的毕业生正在塑造婚姻和家庭治疗师的未来, 防止虐待儿童专家, 毒品和酒精教育工作者, 寄养家庭评估顾问, 父母的教育工作者, 还有很多其他的角色.

通过我们的项目, you will develop a strong academic foundation that will prepare you for a postgraduate experience while also examining the importance of 你的 personal Christian beliefs and values which can be integrated into 你的 academic and career paths. We are confident that choosing the OBU f家庭 science program will provide you with a solid foundation for success and professional fulfillment as you shape the future.



“When I look back at the freshman girl I was when I first came to OBU compared to myself as a woman now, I am encouraged at how OBU has provided the environment and opportunities for me to grow in God’s word and in His character. I truly have fallen in love with the Lord and learned to let Him lead me every day.”



F家庭 science at OBU offers opportunities other 项目 通过out the nation will find extremely difficult to match.


第一个, we are investing in our students; we want to financially help you realize 你的 academic and career goals. 我们的报价接近150美元,000 in departmental scholarships this year in the f家庭 science program to our proven sophomores, 大三和大四学生.


其次,我们将为你提供比大多数竞争项目更高的技能. Almost all of 你的 courses will be taught by people with a terminal degree in their field. 你的教授会对你提出很多要求,并在你学习材料的过程中陪伴你.


家庭科学项目是独一无二的,与心理学在同一个系, 社会学和刑事司法. This setting helps you develop the contexts wherein service to families takes place. 全国很少有这样的项目, 在这个州也没有, 姐妹学科之间有这种程度的信息共享吗. 我们的本科生离开OBU后,将成为未来的塑造者.


OBU提供 每年最低1万美元奖学金 致每一位新生 给每个转学生八千美元. 我们的许多学生有资格通过联邦政府获得更多的经济援助 佩尔助学金和OBU野牛助学金.

要获得参加OBU的费用估计,请查看我们的 净价计算器. We think you’ll be pleasantly surprised with how affordable an OBU education really is especially considering the incredible academic quality, 个人导师与教职员工的关系, 以及你在OBU将体验到的强烈的基督教信仰.




At OBU we want you to discover what is happening in the world around you as you strive to shape the world of 你的 future. 我们相信 研究使之成为可能. Knowing the strengths and challenges of the current world offers you a glimpse of God’s original design and what 你的 part is in impacting its future.
I仅在过去的五年里, our f家庭 science professors have worked diligently with OBU honors students on thesis topics related to sexuality or f家庭 dynamics. 另外, multiple honors students have worked with faculty members to investigate more informal f家庭 process issues. Our goal is to help you to investigate f家庭 matters that will prepare you for graduate school and that provide a deeper understanding in 你的 academic journey. 


作为一个 f家庭 science 学生,你可以 演示 你的 commitment to communities and churches 通过 social services and para-ministry settings, 不仅是在毕业的时候,而是在整个过程中 你的 在OBU的时间. 你 会有机会吗 在收养/寄养机构实习, 在家庭危机中心, 和男孩女孩俱乐部一起, 或者作为大哥/姐姐. 你不仅会学到东西 生长在野牛山上,但是 一个关键方面 你的学习将是 促进 通过 设置中的服务,例如 预防家庭暴力/援助 项目, 危机怀孕或育儿计划, 老龄服务项目, 教会事工及其他. 


通过你的家庭科学训练, you will be challenged to identify God's design and purpose in creating the f家庭 structure and to seek ways to develop healthy families in our current society. 在基督教教授和社区的指导下, 你可以了解信仰是如何与科学相互作用的, 社会与文化. 你 will discover how to use 你的 passion and knowledge to help shape a better tomorrow for individuals and families.


OBU is as committed to 你的 future as you are and that’s why OBU提供n opportunity for our undergraduate juniors to apply for early admission into the masters of 婚姻家庭治疗 program. 通过一个综合项目, OBU provides the opportunity for students from any discipline to begin work toward a graduate degree in 婚姻家庭治疗 while completing an undergraduate degree. 通过这个项目, students from any academic discipline can pursue completion of both a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree within approximately six years. 综合MFT项目需要单独的申请和面试, 但它是家庭科学专业学生的热门选择.


在OBU,我们不想只是教你如何帮助别人, 我们想让你体验一下那种感觉,看看它带来的影响. We want to give you the opportunity to serve and then we will walk with you as that passion grows as you graduate and become a professional. 其中一个途径就是家庭服务专业人员协会, a group organized around providing service and education to the OBU and Shawnee community about matters related to the issues experienced in families. 另一个例子是Normalize No, a group organized around providing support and education to students who are interested in preventing and healing from sexual assault.


The opportunities presented to you with an OBU 家庭科学 degree can lead almost anywhere. 大约一半的学生在毕业后攻读研究生学位. 他们参加社会工作培训项目, 婚姻家庭治疗, 非营利组织管理, 或者是神学院,举几个例子. 另一半则直接以各种方式为家庭服务. Many are employed in social service fields working with the population of their interest, 一些人进入教育(包括正式和非正式的环境), 还有一些进入了不相关的服务领域或宣教领域. 但你的旅程不会止步于你作为顾问的个人事业, 治疗师, 教育家, 部长或其他. 你r influence will multiply substantially in terms of being a blessing to 你的 community. 你 会有机会吗 get involved with organizations that serve families and their needs.

俄克拉荷马州家庭关系委员会就是一个引人注目的例子, 一个带来研究人员的组织, 教育工作者, 专业人士, 和学生一起讨论当前的家庭问题. 他们的使命是为家庭研究者提供一个论坛, 教育工作者, and practitioners to share in the development and dissemination of knowledge about families and f家庭 relationships, 建立专业标准, 努力促进家庭幸福. Five OBU graduates served on the board of directors of the OKCFR during the 2022-23 school year.


Attending OKCFR or serving on the board will help you find out more about avenues in which families can be served. 实习 at a place like Legacy Parenting don’t just give you an opportunity to serve families in need, 他们也习惯于网络工作和其他技能发展机会. 你, 与教师, will share the experience of what it takes to help support and strengthen families.






OBU faculty are experts in their fields and will be with you every step of the way.

Dr. 布雷特·罗克

Dr. 布雷特·罗克


Dr. 布莱恩营

Dr. 布莱恩营
